Water Systme Rules

It is important to remember that the Sunridge water system is one of the most important assets that we have and depend on throughout the years. The water system in Sunridge is owned and controlled by the Sunridge Property Owners and managed by the Board of Trustees. This means that we are responsible for maintaining the quality and safety of the water, so please help us by following the rules for connecting and developing your water system on your property.

1. All connections to the water system must be pre-approved by the Sunridge Water Master and/or Borad Member.

2. The actual connection work on main water lines must be performed by a Sunridge authorized contractor.

3. Sunridge Board of Trustees reserves the right to inspect any water system that is connected to the Sunridge water system for health and safety purposes.

4. Requirements

5. If unauthorized parts or non-inspected systems cause a water leak, you will be responsible for cost of repairs and subject to fines:

It is important to remember that protecting Sunridge and keeping it safe requires that we all follow the rules and work together for our common goals. Thank you for your cooperation. We all value the quality time we spend in Sunridge, and with your help we can continue to have a high quality water system that is safe for everyone.
